Wellness centres in Prague: |
Wellness centres in the Czech Republic |
Wellness EA Hotel Downtown |
Wellness centre Eden Spa - EA Chateau hotel Hruba Skala |
Žitná 53, 110 00 Prague 1
Official website of the hotel: www.hoteldowntownprague.cz |
Hrubá Skála 1, 511 01 Turnov
Official website of the hotel: www.hrubaskala.cz |
Wellness EA Hotel Sonata |
Wellness EA Hotel Kraskov |
Sokolská 68, 110 00 Prague 1
Official website of the hotel: www.hotelsonataprague.cz |
Třemošnice-Starý Dvůr 47, 538 43 Chrudim
Official website of the hotel: www.hotelkraskov.cz |
Relax centre EA Hotel Crystal Palace |
Wellness EA Hotel Tereziansky dvur - Hradec Kralove |
Malá Štěpánská 17, 120 00 Prague 2
Official website of the hotel: www.hotelcrystalpalace.cz |
Jana Koziny 336, 500 00 Hradec Králové
Official website of the hotel: www.hotelterezianskydvur.com |
Wellness EA Hotel Embassy Prague |
Wellness EA Chateau hotel Sychrov |
Petrská 31, 110 00 Prague 1
Official website of the hotel: www.hotelembassyprague.cz |
Sychrov, 463 44 Sychrov
Official website of the hotel: www.hotelsychrov.cz |
EuroAgentur Hotels & Travel, a.s., Vaclavske namesti 820/41, 110 00, Prague 1